Friday 11 December 2009

Script, First Draft

This is the initial draft for the script, this will be used in the auditions, but a majority of the speech will be improvised, to give a more realistic effect. There is very little dialogue, most of film will be flashes of footage, and the audio playing in the background, emphasising the ambiguity of who is speaking, where they are, why they are crying etc.

*heavy breathing*
(muffled voices, loud door slam and the sound of a key turning in the lock)

female voice: fuck. Fuck…fuck…*slightly louder* fuck

*voice cracks* oh my *raises voice* God

*starts screaming/crying – panicking and hyperventilating, begging, spontaneous*

*sobbing* Let me out!

(key turns in lock again, dead silence, heart thudding noise? Door creaks open)

*whisper* no... please…please no…oh god *gets louder and louder*
(boots thudding across the room, echoes)

*screams, dies down to a humming noise*

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