Wednesday 9 December 2009

Location Scouting

We have looked at and discussed several locations around Broomfield and have decided to use Emmaline's house for the indoor shooting, some rarely used garages and the quieter streets leading to the main locations. We chose them because they worked well in adding tot he atmosphere and mood of our film, giving a place of normality and safety like the home a sense of danger, isolation. Hopefully it will portray the the idea of the character(s) being trapped in their own home, isolated in the sense that they are unable to escape from the antagonist.
The garages we will be shooting in are scarcely used, and fairly rundown, giving more indication of isolation and adding to the suspense, though not making the plot to obvious, and avoiding stereotyipcal murder scenes.
The shooting will take place at night, so the pictures taken for the storyboard differ significantly from the way the lighting will effect the scenes in the filiming in January, as the darkness will be a very important part of the film.

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