Wednesday 11 November 2009

Elaboration of Initial Ideas

Today we added to our initial brainstorm, and added more ideas for the images and short flashes of film, of which there will be around 12. These included:

A shaddow following the main character (who is likely to be a young girl), a figure standing behind a closed door, walking past a window, a high angle shot of the figure walking past a stairwell, the figure emerging fromanother room, such as a bathroom. The flashes will build up to one sinal shot of a pair of eyes, which will be the last thing the audience sees before the transition into the titles is made.

We also discussed different shooting methods, such as tracking the character through a moving car window, and following their footsteps from behind, picking up what would appear, at first, to be unecessary details; eg. pauses, background noise etc.

The voice-over will be unclear and muffled, giving the effect of a telephone conversation, television recording or distant tone.

We now know the basic outline of our horror film, and will continue to add details and eleaborate on our ideas until we have a full and final idea that we can work from.

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