Tuesday 10 November 2009

Analysis of Donnie Darko- Opening Scene.

I am analysing the opening three minutes of the psychological thriller, Donnie Darko. I will cover aspects such as lighting, camera angles and costume and show how this affects the audience, and therefore their interpretation of the film. These techniques also help to emphasise how important the opening scene of a film can be, especially in the case of a horror movie.
Basic Details:
The film begins with a black screen, and distant sounds of thunder, other than this, there is silence as the opening credits are shown. This leaves the opening ambiguous, the audience is left to guess what the opening scene or camera shot will be.
As what we assume is thunder continues, the first scene fades into view and the camera pans around a landscape.
The thunder gradually fades out as the camera continues to pan, which still leaves the audience wondering as to where the place is, its significance and what will happen next.
The camera comes to a stop as a road comes into view, and the first extra diegetic sound is added, as music begins playing, which may not be noticed at first, as the attention of the audience is focused on the figure lying in the road.
The background sky and silhouetted mountains contrast with the dull grey tones of the road. Therefore the dark figure, placed in the centre of the shot is much more noticeable. The shape of the road also leads the eye towards the figure.
The camera remains at a wide shot as it closed in on the figure, panning around the body as it sits up. We are unable to see the face up until this point, when the camera pans round enough to reveal a medium/ close up shot of the figure.
As this happens, the light seems to lift very slightly, revealing more detail of the face as the camera pans away slightly once more.
No transition is used when the shot switches back to another wide shot of the surrounding landscape, which again seems slightly lighter than before, and pans six seconds, until the figure stands and the camera come to a halt.
The figure remains at a medium shot for around five seconds, then turns, and the dull lighting means that it is difficult to see any real detail of the face, until he smiles, when the first time the audience sees the figure as a real person, almost interact with the audience, though eye contact is not made with the camera.
The figure walks out of shot as the main titles appear and a flash begins the transition onto the next scene.
The entire opening is very dimly lit. It creates an early morning feel, and works well with the quietness, giving a sense of isolation, coldness.
The scene does seem to become very gradually lighter throughout, highlighting minor details, such as the figure, bike and facial features as the close up is introduced.

Camera Angles:
The initial shot is a wide shot of the surroundings, introducing the scene and panning to another wide shot of the road.
It the closes in, pans towards the figure until at a medium shot, which brings the audience gradually closer to the character, building the suspense.
Also, a medium/ close up of the figure introduces him for the first time, but the lack of speech, knowledge of the surroundings for both viewer and character continues the ambiguity.

The figure wears what appear to be pyjama trousers, making the costume completely out of place, and leaving its significance to the film unclear.
Also, the white T-Shirt is often used to convey an image of purity, simplicity and innocence, which is reflected in the character’s personality throughout the film.
The character’s hair is untidy, and adds to the lost and confused mood of the scene.

Despite the serenity of the opening scene, suspense is built with the thundering as the scene begins, which contrasts to the calm and very simple piano piece it fades into.
It creates a sense of tranquillity, but at the same time leaves the audience wondering what will happen, and leads almost to an element of shock in the transition, and the sudden music and change of sound takes place.

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